Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Once more into the breach.

Hey all.

I'm subbing Free Things Are Cool for Jenny Jenkins this evening from 9 to 11 PM on KAOS Olympia 89.3FM. You can also listen live online here.

I haven't done a show in nearly a year so it's sure to be sloppy and good!


Wednesday, November 07, 2007


My new Internet addiction is Scrabble. I can't control myself. The Facebook app makes it so easy to be playing and checking back on a multiplicity of games all the time. It's insidious. At any given time I'm playing scrabble with three to ten friends, day in, day out. There are worse things to be addicted to, I'm sure, but I've got to tell you, the dreams are starting to get a bit oppressive.

The upshot is that my vocabulary of words of seven or fewer letters has been increasing exponentially.

When I was a kid we played cards and board games all the time. I miss that in my adult life. I wish my sister lived closer so that we could play Canasta all the time like we did when we were
teenagers. Those were the days.

Piece, out.

Monday, November 05, 2007


Okay, perhaps getting a new look will inspire me to return to my blogging ways. Unfortunately it's now bed time, so blogging will have to wait. But at least it looks fresh, right?