Sunday, October 30, 2005

Glow in the Dark Bomber T-shirt

Oh my god. So I was reading the Washington State section of Roadside America and found out that not only is Richland, WA's (near the Hanford Nuclear Reservation) high school mascot "the bombers," but that they have an allumni site that sells t-shirts and other goodies.

I NEED a glow-in-the-dark atomic bomb school spirit shirt.

Need IT!

I can wear it when I'm not wearing my Gay, MI "Gay Bar" shirt.

Who's buying me one for xmas????


Jesus Toast said...

I"ve lived in Michigan my whole life and never knew there was a Gay, Michigan! Where the fuck is it?

Brooks said...

Oh, you MUST go!

It's near Calumet in Houghton County on the Keweenaw peninsula in the U.P.
Is that descriptive enough? :) Not much of a town, really. The bar is a cool hick bar with "The Gay Mall" in a locked wardrobe off the main room that they will open to sell you merchandise if you ask. My t-shirt says "I went straight to..." on the front and then says "The Gay Bar" on the back with a picture of the bar. Awesome! There are a few other designs with much more offensive designs if that's your thing. Nyuk, nyuk.

Google maps doesn't even know where it is. Google places it in Lake Linden, but really it's on the lake down "Gay Road" from Lake Linden.,+MI

JD said...

Where can I get one of these Richland High School Coins? I am an alumni of "Col. High" and an avid coin collector of all things nuclear.